What is the role of a mole?
He always digs forward!
He eats worms!
He is blind, which is why he can hear the worms so well!
His role as a connecting link in society is very important and highly value. Without the mole, the earth would be overpopulated with worms and therefore very porous. The tunnel connections from hole to hole would collapse. He hides nothing. Every entrance is also an exit. He is politically neutral. From a human perspective, one might call him an anarchist. He is the monk among animals, he does not judge, he only opens paths. Every living being is free to learn from the mole how to let go and always listen forward!
His favourite key is E-flat major, his favourite instruments are the taragot and the viola. On March 28th, we celebrate Mole Day. In honour of this peaceful creature, the next NICHT KAPUTT! concert will feature Bach’s 4th Cello Suite in E-flat major; viola, taragot, flutes, and saxophones will create a festival of underground tones, the likes that only can be heard at the Jazz Centre in Aalborg.
Come and listen!
Marius Ungureanu – viola
Morten Carlsen - tenorsax, taragot
Entré: kr. 100.-, medlemmer: kr. 50.-