\logical dissolution {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} is an ensemble bringing together young artists from Aalborg, Berlin, Köln and Hamburg and is led by the composer & double bass player Pascal Jarchow. The ensemble focuses on improvised music that is adapting to each member’s spirit and momentary state of being. The goal of the ensemble’s work is to create a sound that encapsulates each players’ different backgrounds, experiences, and approaches to music. While developing a unique sound, the ensemble is trying to analyse each member’s place in the world and their influence on it. Key components of this analysis are curiosity and a general fascination for the world that are being expressed through creativity. The ensemble believes that music is the most powerful tool to embrace life.
Pascal Jarchow (Berlin) - double bass
Victor Abdul-Salam (Kiel) - double bass
Franca Schwarz (Hamburg) - trumpet
Bennet Agah (Hamburg) - tenor saxophone
Pauline Salzmann (Hamburg) - trumpet
Niklas Wittig (Köln) - drums
Anton Deyß (Berlin) - guitar
Moritz Christiansen (Aalborg) - saxophones, flute
Frederik Seeba (Berlin) - piano
Till Reisener (Berlin) - drums
Døren åbner/Door opens: 19:00
Konceten starter/Concert starts: 19:30.
Standard: 95,- DKK
Medlemmer/members: 50,- DKK
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