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Who's wearing the pants? Which came first: the chicken or the egg? What weighs more: the audience or the performers? The fusion of what we see and who we are, is making both sides weightless because we are always both! Life is the experience of both sides. We are born with similar rules of the game. How we use them is our own history. Experiencing our history in a society, becomes the history of society.
- Ancient Lycirian wisdom
Marius Ungureanu - Bratsch
Marius Paschke - Marimba
Jonas - Bas
Louis - Trommer
Døren åbner/Door opens: 19:00
Konceten starter/Concert starts: 19:30.
Vil du have rabat på adgang til vores koncerter? Bliv medlem af vores forening Dansk Jazzhistories Venner.