The "Rhythm of Succes" is a new artist talk event series that aims to create a more inclusive and equitable jazz music industri by adressing the underrepresentation of women and non-binary individuals in jazz, and by promoting greater diversity in jazz education and performance opportunities.
"Rhythm of Success" will feature panel discussions with renowned female artists, and therefore wil provide a platform for all gender industri professional and musicians to share their experiences and insights, and to offer strategies for promoting greater diversity in the industri.
The audience will have an opportunity to engage with the speakers and ask questions, allow for a deeper understanding of the issues and challenges facinf jazz players today. In addition to providing valuable insights and advice, the discussion also provide an opportunity for participants to build relationships with other artists and experts in the field. The series aims to create a supportive community where participants can connect, collaborate, and grow together and also to ensure that all talented musicians have the opportunity to succeed and thrive in the jazz world.
The first event will take place on the 18th of April and will feature Copenhagen-based multi-instrumentalist Carolyn Goodwin and will be curated by pianist/composer Agne Pasaraviciene.
You can get to know more about the artist here: https://carolyngoodwinmusic.com/
"The Rhythm of Succes" artist talk event series is supported by SPAR NORD FONDEN and organized by Center for Dansk Jazzhistorie and pianist/composer Agne Pasaraviciene.
Billetpris: kr. 30.-
Link: https://www.place2book.com/da/sw2/sales/77t3fekz3e